Friday, November 2, 2012

Yo B***h!

Yeah how bad am I?  I agree, pretty vanilla pudding. Not like the "breaking bad" kind.  But dang what a great idea. Even though I don't have the guts to try anything remotely illegal.  Remember me? The daughter of a Marine who even in his 75 year old spinal stenosed and diabetic neuropathic riddled body could beat the living plasma out of me for even thinking about wavering from the straight and narrow.

But over the last two weekends, hubs and I have consumed almost the entire four seasons of "Breaking Bad" on Netflix. Count it up, that's well over 40 hours of mayhem and debauchery.

I am addicted.

So is Herb.

On our walks we pass a motor home and we discuss how we could buy that to"cook" in.  When asked if he want's some breakfast, "yo bi**h" is the reply. We spend the millions we can make if we retired to the dark side. 

Or we could retire to the grey side and garden for a retirement?  We have discussed that as well. Although I have to say, given the skills we already have, maybe we should just stick to the vino, where we are already so well versed.  We know the plan for producing a decent vint, and can easily and legally consume, as long as no sales are involved. Perhaps that will be well enough for us.

If not, I am really great at swearing!


  1. Love Breaking Bad and I dod the same thing essentially!I think the bigger question is, how far would any of us go to ensure the safety and welfare of the ones we love and for whom we feel responsible. I think that show pushes us to think outside of our comfort zones and question the black and white views we have on what's right and wrong. The grey areas of life definitely come into sharper focus when you looks at the intricate story they've created.

  2. Sorry for the typos! Guess I could have hit the "preview" button before I sent that comment on its merry way!
