Monday, October 8, 2012

...did you ever think....?

My hubby and I were chatting and walking around the local strip mall in the 'hood. "Did you ever think you would have close to 800 bottles of wine in your cellar?" and I preface my response with no we are not alcoholics.... but we make wine... and some of it is kind of not drinkable... in fact I wonder if it would really make a better poison or cleaning fluid. You get cellar goggles... wherein you think some " "bottle shock" (movie reference) miracle might happen where something becomes drinkable when the reality is that it will probably not. It happened once with the syrah that started out with way to sweet grapes and became a very hot (highly alcoholic) wine most suited to cooking. We called it the Tennessee sippin' syrah. But within the 8 years it lay in the cellar, it became a very rich and full red, fine drinking wine. Yeah that doesn't always happen. Case in point the several hundred (ok maybe 200) but still undrinkable white wine bottles in the cellar. Yeah that's a big portion of the 800 laying in wait. But still we try! Our reds are for the most part quite delightful. But the whites elude our expertise. So much so that we have completely stopped trying. Except this year. Our pinot gris grapevines in the back yard produced a few pounds of lovely grapes this year. And it is now fermenting. If it is a good ferment I bet we get 2 bottles from the whole lot. So soon 802 in the cellar! And another thought... "did you ever think you would have a hubby with such big feet?...." (That sounds really random, but in the context of the conversation it was not.) But the reality of my life, no I did not. But sometimes life has something in mind for your completely different than you thought for yourself. And sometimes you just go with it. Which I have. So in the context of our conversation, no I never thought I would be in Seattle. Nor would I be working doing what I am. Or be married let alone a mom. And not the million other little things that I can look and see all around me. And no, I never thought I would be who I am today. But I am glad I waited to let it happen. And I like it.

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